Saturday, July 4, 2009


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Today is a quiet holiday. Jim's worked all day-- a usual Saturday. 6-days in a row, and he's exhausted. He's up to at least 74 hours now, and he's a few hours away from being done! Yes, I know: cha-ching! But I'm concerned with him being so tired and run down... and being disconnected from us! The company he works for is planning to hire a 3rd driver, so that'll make it better. But until then, it's a busy, busy time! He'll have tomorrow off, but if he has to work Monday, he'll be in bed by 7pm tomorrow!

We thought there was a local parade this morning, but we couldn't find it! We went to the park where we watched it last year, but there was nobody around! The boys want to watch fireworks tonight, but I really don't want to go out without Jim at night on the fourth of July! I can't expect him to take us -- we wouldn't be home until 10:00! HOWEVER, there's a local summer festival next weekend, so we can see fireworks then!

Reading, reading, reading! I have 3 books going at once right now! I'm reading The Joshua Generation by Michael Farris, 30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family by Rebecca Hagelin, and Home Sweet Home-School, by Sue Maakestad, and I just got The 4:8 Principal by Tommy Newberry (about Biblical positive thinking from Philippians 4:8). A couple of books are from the library and are only signed out for 2 weeks, so I read them during the day when I have free time. The other books are mine, so I read them at my leisure at bedtime.
Been thinking about starting a book-share with friends, family, and acquaintences -- its so costly to buy all the books I want to read (I borrow what I can from the library). I have books about conservatism, homeschooling, faith, money management, etc. Anyone interested, let me know.
Now to some pictures!

Here's an example of the many mismatched shoe days that Owen has. He's always misplacing his shoes, so he grabs whatever he can find. He's gotten to the point where he doesn't like me taking his picture. So I told him he needs for keep track of his shoes then! Today is was 2 different sizes of different colored flip flops (one that fit, one a size too big) PLUS they were for the same foot -- TWO LEFT FEET! He played like that for a quite a while!

my mismatched monkey!
playing airport with Jared

We went to my sister Brenda's house last weekend for my nieces birthday gathering. At the end of the party, we all took a walk down Brenda's road to a railroad bridge where the road is now closed.

l-r: Rebecca, Owen, Jared, & Leighanna

Sister, Terri, with one of Brenda's kittens.
He laid there for a long time while we chatted!

Brenda wanted to weigh the kittens, so she put each of them in a bowl that was on top of a scale. I wouldn't have believed it--that they would stay there in the bowl...

...but each of them did!

blessings, joie

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