Monday, August 25, 2008


Updated scrapbook page:

My niece Leighanna on her 14th birthday

Even though the color shows duller on this page than it was when I scanned it, I just wanted to show an updated version. To make the faux stitching look more real, I punched holes with a paper piercer similar to what the sewing machine needle would make. It took quite a while -- since I had 2 "rows of stitching" -- but it gave it a more authentic look. I also added pink brads to the green flowers and added a little tag with flowers. Again, the actual page is much brighter. This is the original post from last week.

I've been purging and reorganizing my scrapbook studio AGAIN! I probably should say "still". I never have really finished it, so stuff just gets shifted around and nothing ever gets done! Right now I can't get to my work area, so I'm not able to work on anything... that's hard for me!

Until next time...

blessings, joie
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