Monday, January 28, 2008


I've been thinking about making pages that reflect my values and the values of our family. Here's a page that I did with just that in mind.

Journaling reads: Jim and I have tried very hard to keep as many worldly things out of our home as possible -- including hand-held video games. So when the boys received these racing games for Christmas, I was worried that I would see this scene on a daily basis. Well, thankfully, the novelty wore off that same day, and they enjoy playing them once in a while!

We had a great day yesterday, visiting a friend of Jim's (Jeff) and his wife, Kim and their nephew, Tyler. Tyler has muscular dystrophy. He's the nicest kid (almost 16!) -- very friendly. Sadly, Tyler's at the stage where he can't do anything for himself. He has to be fed and sat up -- he can't even use the television remote control. My heart breaks for him and his family. But he seems like a happy kid. I think young people sometimes can accept life better than we adults can... If you feel moved to, please pray for Tyler in whatever way God leads you.

The boys were thrilled to ride Mr. Z's tractor and see their horses and ride on the four-wheeler! Unfortunately, because Nathan had my camera, he didn't get in any pictures! But he was there -- he even got to drive the tractor by himself!

Right now, Jim is out running errands with the boys, so I should get going and get something done!!!

Let me leave you with this thought from a song that I'm listening to right now.

The God on the mountain is still God in the valley.
(when things go wrong, He'll make them right.)
The God of the good times is still God in the bad times.
The God of the day is still God in the night.

To hear this, go here.

blessings, joie

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