Until next time...
blessings, joie
Until next time...
blessings, joie
Tonight I finished reading aloud On The Far Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George. It was a great story, and what made it extra cool was that it was set in the Catskill and Helderberg Mountains. My mother grew up near the Helderbergs, and all the towns the characters went through were all familiar to me! This is the 2nd book in a series by Mrs. George. The last book, Frightful's Mountain Jared wants to read by himself. He's not much of a reader, so I'm happy to let him! Nathan's not too happy, because he really enjoys me reading aloud to them. Nathan has already read all three books, but he wants me to read them aloud. He's my reader. He'll read just about anything. We'll just have to find another book to read aloud. I have several to choose from.
It's been a strange June. It's been hot here and there, cool at times, rainy at times. We haven't put our Intex pool up yet, pretty much because it hasn't been hot very long. NOW, it's hot! Jim wants to make a wooden frame and fill it with sand to put the pool on. Last year, it was in a spot that never dried, and it smelled like cows lived here! We're very limited to where we can put it because we want to keep it as level as possible. The boys are complaining alot today about the heat! And I'm limited to Jim's days off--which we never know from week to week when they'll be! For instance, he just found out an hour ago (3:30) that he has tomorrow off!
Until next time...
blessings, joie
Jared 1 & 2 years old!
Chloe's quite the conversationalist--chatting with Uncle Jim