Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I just discovered a feature for Blogger. You can now sign up as a person who "follows" my blog. I'd LOVE it if you'd sign up for that! It would mean alot to me to know who "follows" my blog. I know a bunch of you do, but I'd love to know for sure who enjoys reading my blog!! Also, I LOVE comments! Please feel free to leave quick notes now and then! It's a great inspiration for me!

There's a local furniture warehouse that has a small school bus set up for kids to play on. Every time we go there, we HAVE to get on the bus! And I usually have my camera with me! I remember watching the school bus driver when I was a kid and thinking it would be so COOL to drive it!

Jared on school bus

Today and yesterday were beautiful warm fall days! It's been such a nice bonus! The boys have had fun playing outside. We're enjoying it while we can!

football fever

Owen got a hold of these boots that I've had around for years. Unfortunately, I forgot I had them, and now they're too small. None the less, he jammed them on his feet and loves to have them on! I thought it was so cute to see one pant leg tucked in and one not! That's my boy!

the huddle -- Owen is the team coach!

Nathan took this picture. I have no idea why Owen is holding Nathan's guitar this way!

What's up with this?!
That's all for now! Until next time...
blessings, joie
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