I love to see my boys playing together. They usually play together pretty well on the trampoline. N & J are going through a stage where they fight alot! Also, I love to see them running!
Monday, July 28, 2008
I love to see my boys playing together. They usually play together pretty well on the trampoline. N & J are going through a stage where they fight alot! Also, I love to see them running!
The next 4 pictures are from VBS week at our church (Vacation Bible School). It and Christmas are the highlights of the entire year for my boys! Although Owen is too young to attend as a regular student-they start in Kindergarten (the grade you'll be going into in the fall), he was able to go this year because I was a volunteer, he participated in the 3-4 year old program. He LOVED it!
Owen got tired of singing during worship in the sanctuary, so he
grabbed a Bible and settled in to "read" it!
In the sanctuary to learn the songs, hand motions, and WORSHIP! I would finish up in the craft tent about 11:45, so I'd have time to come in and watch for a while. The woman that teaches the songs has been doing it for 20 years! Two of her boys are N & J's age. She is SO enthusiastic! She is just great with the kids! The boys love her!
Believe it or not, that's EXACTLY what Jared's shirt says: "Professional Stunt Man". It has a picture of a men's room icon with a bandage around his head, an arm in a sling, and a leg in a cast!!
Nathan's and Jared's latest challenge on the trampoline (those are towels that you see)
A few nights ago, we had this much rain-3.5 inches! I don't ever remember
hearing it rain so hard before! It was kinda creepy.
I can't believe this! I can only import 4 pictures at a time like this (oops, I accidentally lost one). I have several that I wanted to catch you up on! I think I have a memory problem -- I'm referring to my computer this time! I might have to post a few blogs in order to get all the pictures that I want.
Not really much out of the ordinary going on. Summer's buzzing along. The boys spend lots of time in the pool. I read while I sit there; so I feel I'm getting something done.
Not really much out of the ordinary going on. Summer's buzzing along. The boys spend lots of time in the pool. I read while I sit there; so I feel I'm getting something done.
Nathan playing seahorse with Owen
Last night while Nathan was sitting watching something on the computer with me, Owen decided to "cut" his hair! He even brought a paper towel in for Nathan to put around his neck to "catch the hair"! He's using a plastic trowel from his Bob the Builder playset! He spent quite awhile doing it!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Nathan likes to take pictures with my camera -- here's a photo of --you guessed it -- the RAIN! I think it's a pretty cool photo!
We went from Underwear Boy to Cowboy drummer!!
"Look Mommy, no hands!!" those were his actual words! Owen doesn't like to go under the water. We're working on that. So he was pretty proud of himself, when he let go of the sides while on his knees. It's progress!
This week is VBS at our church, so we'll be pretty busy with that in the morning and the pool in the afternoon. So I probably won't be posting much, if at all, next week. Since I won't let Owen in the pool without my close supervision (I watch the other 2 from the back porch), I've been sitting down by the pool alot. I haven't had this great a tan in years!! When I usually sit outside with them (less often these days as they get older) I sit on the back porch under the sun umbrella. So being in the sun alot has been great! Did you know that our nation is sun-deprived?!! Did you know that the sunlight can prevent 17 different kinds of cancers?! The lack of sunshine can trigger deadly cancers, depression, bone loss, heart disease and more. In a nation riddled with depression, it's no wonder. We're taught that the sun is bad for us!! Many doctors are finding the research to show that since we’ve been avoiding the sun over the last 30 years, the death rate from skin cancer has risen 400%... want to know more? Click here.
We're going to my sister's house for the afternoon for a big picnic/barbecue, so I have to get going. I'll write more next week, hopefully.
blessings, joie
We're going to my sister's house for the afternoon for a big picnic/barbecue, so I have to get going. I'll write more next week, hopefully.
blessings, joie
JULY 11th
Here are a few photos from the past week. On the side of our house are a few black raspberry bushes. The boys have had fun picking them a few times. I told them next time they pick them, they should wear a work glove on their left hand to move the prickly branches. So Owen disappeared in the house and returned wearing.... see next photo!
I was sitting down by the pool, with my camera, of course, and saw this brave robin. They're pretty nervey when we're outside. I saw from a distance that he was gathering worms, but I didn't see how many until I downloaded them on the computer. Isn't this
incredible?! There were some happy birds in a nest yesterday afternoon!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Here are the two pictures that I accidentally deleted from the last post. I love this picture of Jim playing on the trampoline with Owen.
Underwear boy playing on the drum practice kit! No, he's not sitting on the rocking horse's head. It's in the foreground. He's sitting on a drum stool! He's not bad for a 4-year old drummer! I'd love to have a real set, but we don't have the room! Oh well, someday.
blessings, joie
I can be SO dense! I just figured out a much easier way to get my photos to my blog. I was doing it the long way, which was taking SO long!
Check out this picture of a fireworks display that we saw last night -- yep, we watched fireworks on the FIFTH of July! We have a local park that has a summerfest every year. This year they tied it in the weekend of the 4th, so they had fireworks a couple/few days. Friends of ours invited us to watch the fireworks from their back porch. It was like a front row seat! And LOUD! Of course, the boys loved them. I'd like to say that this photo was a result of brilliant photography, but it's not! It was purely accidental! Love it!
Check out this picture of a fireworks display that we saw last night -- yep, we watched fireworks on the FIFTH of July! We have a local park that has a summerfest every year. This year they tied it in the weekend of the 4th, so they had fireworks a couple/few days. Friends of ours invited us to watch the fireworks from their back porch. It was like a front row seat! And LOUD! Of course, the boys loved them. I'd like to say that this photo was a result of brilliant photography, but it's not! It was purely accidental! Love it!
This page is a tribute to my grandmother who has been gone since January 1996. At first I was just going to say "this is Grammy..." and have a little fun with it, but I got this idea from another scrapbooker. I thought it was much more touching this way. She never knew my boys, so this page will help them to see just a few of the things that I miss about my grandmother.
Owen loves to look things up in the dictionary -- things like "experiments". It's so cute to hear him describe the things he finds!
True Confession: Owen is almost 4, and up until yesterday naptime, he's had a binky (at sleept times only). After I told him that it looked goofy -- like his goofy (fake, bucked) teeth, he said, "Oh-kay, I'll thwow them away". I asked, "are you sure you're ready for that?" He said he was. We talked it up yesterday afternoon, and I prayed with him last night about it. At the last minute, he was NOT happy about it, nor two other times during the night. Old habits die hard, they say! We're far from through this. He was pretty grumpy about it at naptime today too! I know I should've taken it away sooner...
I had another picture to post, but I accidentally deleted it. I'll have to show it next time. Sorry everything is centered. I can't get it off in the screen I'm in. Off to make dinner. Jim's outside with the boys in our new pool!
blessings, joie
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