Thursday, November 29, 2007
Here's another page for my calendar. I had fun putting an "old" picture with a new one! Owen, of course, wasn't around for the Jared & Nathan picture, but I included a picture of him on the same tricycle 6 years later! NOTICE the backwards handlebars! I love scrapbooking colored photos with black & whites!! And I just adore my CUTTLEBUG Olivia alphabet dies! I made the letters out of craft foam -- for a cool 3D look! FYI: I don't have a Cuttlebug machine; I use the dies with my Sizzix. I could use them with my Sidekick, but I like to cut letters from chipboard, and I can't do that with the Sidekick.
I found out something very cool the other day! My sister, Donna, is really into genealogy, and she learned through her research online that we're directly related to Priscilla Mullins and John Alden from the MAYFLOWER!! She typed it all up exactly how we are linked!! Can't wait to scrapbook that! I think I'll print out pictures of Priscilla and John from Wikipedia and include them on my scrapbook page! How cool is that?!!
Feel free to share my blog with others if you think something might be of interest!
more blessings, joie
I have a new favorite Christmas song!
The first time, I encourage you to NOT watch the video and just listen to the song. The video is fine, but take in the words to the song first.
I don't pretend that I don't get caught up in the hustle and bustle and traditions of the Christmas season, but when you come right down to it it IS about the CROSS. When we focus on the other 'things', we lose sight of God's sacrifice for us. When we 'celebrate Jesus' only twice a year, we're not really understanding that sacrifice. I need to ponder that as well. He HAS revealed Himself, there are just 'things' blocking our view. This year, ASK Him to clear your view, so that you can see Him clearly. Ask Him to remind you that Truth is more important than tradition. I know I need to. IT'S ABOUT THE CROSS.
blessings, joie
The first time, I encourage you to NOT watch the video and just listen to the song. The video is fine, but take in the words to the song first.
I don't pretend that I don't get caught up in the hustle and bustle and traditions of the Christmas season, but when you come right down to it it IS about the CROSS. When we focus on the other 'things', we lose sight of God's sacrifice for us. When we 'celebrate Jesus' only twice a year, we're not really understanding that sacrifice. I need to ponder that as well. He HAS revealed Himself, there are just 'things' blocking our view. This year, ASK Him to clear your view, so that you can see Him clearly. Ask Him to remind you that Truth is more important than tradition. I know I need to. IT'S ABOUT THE CROSS.
blessings, joie
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Here's a simple country craft idea. It takes little to no talent, just the desire and the time to make it! First get 5 twigs off the ground from your back yard! You don't want them wet (or live from the tree), so let them dry out for a few days indoors. Tear strips of coordinating fabric -- I purchased fabric from Walmart for $1.00/yd. I've done this in Christmas colors as well -- hunter green and maroon. Use a clear quick-drying adhesive. I use Quick Grip from Beacon Adhesives. I don't remember if I purchased it from Walmart or my local craft store, AC Moore; but you can check it out at Put a glob on one end of the twig, start wrapping a strip of fabric. You can wrap the whole twig or just part of it and pick up with a different color/pattern fabric. Glue the end. The glue will dry clear, so don't worry. YES, this will be a bit messy on your hands! USE GLUE IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA! It is EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE! Used properly, it should be fine. I might let older kids HELP, but not the little ones. Hot glue might work as well. When you're done wrapping all 5 twigs, start making them into a star. First I glue them, but I tie them together with twine for strength. Hang on the wall from the wrapped twine. The twigs I used were approximately 12"-14" long. I have also used 6" thinner twigs, NOT wrapped them in fabric -- left them bare, glued them at the intersections and spray painted them GOLD! After that you can secure the intersections with twine, gold wire or fishing line -- it depends on the look you want! These are great for hanging on the tree. I suppose you can tie red or green ribbon at the intersections or for the hanging loop. I hung my small, gold twig stars with draped green (artifical pine-look) garland hanging around the room! I also hung them on the tree one year!
I love this picture of the boys enjoying the lights for the first time this year! I guess I'm not the only one who could just stare at colored Christmas lights! WHen I was young -- still living at home, I used to let my dog out in the middle of the night, plug the Christmas tree in, and just sit there and reflect well I waited for the dog!
Nathan and I went out for lunch and some time alone together last Monday. It was a first, and I know he really enjoyed it. It was his idea. Hopefully, we can do this a few times a year.
Sorry, I just can't figure out how to get the photos where I want them!! I told you I'm new at this stuff!
blessings to you all, joie
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
First of all, you have to know something about me. I DON'T watch movies. I haven't been to the movie theater in over 12 years, and then it was only once in a great while when the radio station I worked for had extra promo tickets! I'm just not interested in sitting in the theater. I rarely watch movies at home. Once in a while, Jim and I will watch something that's on TV just because it's there. However, I borrowed a movie from the library because I had heard that it was a great movie. And GREAT it was! We watched Facing the Giants last night. I laughed, I cried, (it moved me, Bob -- from Larry the Cucumber, Veggie Tales episode!) You have to see it for yourself. Talk about the power of faith in God and the power of prayer to Him, the Almighty! In my family, the word AWESOME is not allowed to be used unless it's used to describe God or something of His. This movie was AWESOME! It glorified Him; it edified Him; it showed His working in the lives of the people in this movie. The acting wasn't perfect, but it didn't matter. It wasn't the quality of the movie (although that was fine); it was the content. I can't tell you how many times I cried...and laughed. If you love football or you love God -- or both, you should watch this film! I, for one, don't love football, but I loved this movie!
blessings, joie
blessings, joie
Happy First Day of the Last Week of November!
OK! I can't resist putting up another 'calendar page'! We're getting ready for Advent! Advent reminds us that we are all expectant people, people waiting, people of promise. Our faith is built on God's promises fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled. We are, by God's grace, filled with new life and eternal hope! ('Celebrate While We Wait' by Schroeder Family) Here is one of several activities suggested in the book, 'Celebrations That Touch the Heart' by Brenda Poinsett.
Make an Advent Chain
Use colored construction paper (or patterned scrapbook paper, see photo above). On one side of the 7" x 1" paper strip, write the date or day of Advent. On the other side (what would be the inside of the link), write out some Bible verses from an easy-to-read translation or paraphrase of the story of Jesus' birth. Assemble the paper chain by gluing or stapling. Every evening during Advent, remove a link and read the verse. For older children you could use Bible verses that show what Jesus is like, what He said, and what He did when he was here on earth. And/or you can reflect on the meaning of Jesus' coming at Bethlehem. If carefully taken apart when removed from the chain, you can even use the links as a puzzle on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day!
Until next time, many blessings to you! joie
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving Blessings!
Although Thanksgiving is officially over, I just wanted to pass on Thanksgiving greetings before the weekend is over! We had Thanksgiving dinner with my family yesterday (Saturday) at my sister's house. There was a scheduling conflict, so we weren't able to get together until then. We had a really nice time. Thursday, we had homemade pizza for Thanksgiving dinner here at home! Daddy and the boys made it; I just took pictures -- and ate, of course!
My boys have become quite fond of cooking! Nathan, especially! We borrowed a few of Emeril's kids cookbooks from the library. They can't get enough of the books. They made the pizza dough from one of them! Nathan made macaroni and cheese (delicious) last week. I'll be buying 2 of the Emeril books for Christmas gifts! Jared had a cookbook on his Christmas wish list! Jared (8.5) made the pumpkin pie filling and Nathan (10.5)made the pumpkin cheesecake filling for our Thanksgiving dinner.
I have been working on a scrapbooking project the last week, so I haven't had time to post. See photo at top of page, left. Unfortunately, I can't show all the pictures of the pages, because they're for a calendar gift! Let me briefly tell you what I'm doing. I have a pre-made calendar from Therm-O-Web. The place for the picture or scrapbook page is 8.5 x 11. I made up scrapbook pages that were 8.5 x 11. I then color copied them. That way, the weight on the calendar is minimal. I made one years ago, and it was so heavy with all the photos, cardstock, and paper! Back then I wasn't even adding embellishments! I suppose it looks kind of like a digital page. So I took my pages to Staples. What I didn't know is that the copies on the machine at Staples automatically puts a white border around the page. I'll just have to live with that. The copies are .49 each. I haven't actually assembled the calendar, but it should go together pretty easily. FYI, I didn't journal on the 'pages' as it's for a calendar.
Well it's time to get ready for Christmas at our house. The boys promised Owen that there would be lights up when he got up from his nap. Jim just spent half the day at the ER! He thought he had a sinus infection, but he was told yesterday by a dr. at a local urgent care that he didn't. After calling today and talking to the same dr. again, he told Jim that he DIDN'T have a sinus infection. The pain just got worse, so he drove himself to the ER around noon. The ER dr. told him that he didn't think it was a sinus infection, so they did a CaT scan. Turns out, it's a SINUS INFECTION! Praise God it was nothing more serious. Not a fun way to spend your long weekend!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Word Search
I have to post things when I think of them, or I'll forget! This is a neat website! If you homeschool, or if your kids just love wordsearches/ wordfinds, this is a great tool to have. Its great for vocabulary words. The boys were bored, so I just whipped one up with 30 Thanksgiving words. There are a few terms that they will have heard for the first time (relating to Thanksgiving): SAINTS, STRANGERS, SEPARATISTS.
You'll have to download the free program. There's also a crossword puzzle program, but in the past that hasn't downloaded for me. Try it!
At this time, I don't know how to add a link that you just click on, so you'll have to "cut and paste" (or copy and paste!). I'll work on it! blessings, joie
Jotham's Journey-a book review
I just want to share with you a book that I've been reading to my older boys for a few Advent seasons. This year will be year #3. It is called Jotham's Journey, and it is a story about Jotham, his anger at his parents, his running away (his parents thought he was dead, and since they were shepherds, they had to move on) and his frightening adventure to find them. If you look on Amazon, you'll see MANY wonderful reviews. However, there are some that feel that the violence in the story is wrong and that a story about Advent should be gentle and soft. The author, Arnold Ytreeide is showing us that evil has always been and that this wicked world, now and 2,000 years ago, desperately needs a Savior! The book will keep your kids sitting at the edge of their seats all throughout the. Your kids will BEG you to keep reading after the chapters are over! DON'T DO IT! After each chapter there might be a bible verse, and there are always words from the author. I HIGHLY recommend this book. You might not want to read it to the very young. Jared was almost 7 and Nathan, almost 9, when we started reading it, and they were at good ages. I bought it for my sister's family this year, so I'm eager to see how they like it! There are 2 other books in the trilogy, each about the adventures of 2 children that Jotham met on his journey. We've not read either one of them, as they're ALL out of print and not easy to find! You might be able to find these on Amazon marketplace, and Ebay. Below you'll find the story's description from the website
blessings, joie
Palestine,4 B.C. A shepherd boy shivers against the cold of night -- lost, alone, surrounded by jackals. Where could they be, he wonders again of his family. Where are you, Father? I'm sorry I got mad...
After running away from his father's tents in a moment of anger, ten-year-old Jotham has lost his way, and his family. As he journeys through Palestine in search of his nomadic home, Jotham is helped by a fool, a priest, a zealot and a wise man. Chased by a gang of thieves, thrown from one "foster parent" to another, Jotham slowly discovers the miracle of the first Christmas, and some miraculous things about his own life and his own family...
Written as a devotional for parents to read to their children during Advent, Jotham's Journey unfolds day by day until the exciting climax on Christmas Day. Each day's installment of the story is followed by a short devotional which will challenge your family to share in Jotham's discoveries.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
finished boy/frog page
I'm finally caught up moving posts from my old blog to this new one. There were only a handful, so it was worth doing since I've only been a blogger for a week!
Here is the finished page about Jared and the frog. I simply added an ice-blue acrylic paint by streaking it on the edge of the page. It gives it a finished look for me. blessings, joie
2 more pages...
11/14/07 Evening Edition
Wed. Nov. 14
I just wanted to share a page that I finished (or not) this afternoon. When I started it, I HATED it! But I'm kinda liking it now -- after I came up with the title. It seems to be missing something, however; but I'm not sure what. FYI, the word "meets" is made up of translucent BINGO chips with rub-on letters! A while back, I bought a ton of different colored chips from a BINGO supplier on Ebay-- MartysBINGO on Ebay! I love the look!
This was a fun and simple page! At first I thought Owen said "crushing". I made the page that way, but when I showed it to him and read it to him, he corrected me. So I made it "squooshing". He can't say his "R's", so I tried to second guess him, and I was WRONG! This picture is the correct one.
It's getting late, so I'll get going!
blessings, joie
Wed. Nov. 14
I just wanted to share a page that I finished (or not) this afternoon. When I started it, I HATED it! But I'm kinda liking it now -- after I came up with the title. It seems to be missing something, however; but I'm not sure what. FYI, the word "meets" is made up of translucent BINGO chips with rub-on letters! A while back, I bought a ton of different colored chips from a BINGO supplier on Ebay-- MartysBINGO on Ebay! I love the look!
This was a fun and simple page! At first I thought Owen said "crushing". I made the page that way, but when I showed it to him and read it to him, he corrected me. So I made it "squooshing". He can't say his "R's", so I tried to second guess him, and I was WRONG! This picture is the correct one.
It's getting late, so I'll get going!
blessings, joie
digital photo printing review website
November 13, 2007
This is COOL! Check this out! I just found this great website reviewing 25 online digital photo printing services! Digital Photo Printing Top 25 Reviews I had received a "try us for free" email from WINKFLASH . I have never used them before, but I figured what have I got to lose -- just .99 for shipping. It's for 50 free 4x6 prints! Then I decided to try and find a review on their quality of printing. So I did a Google search and came up with the top 10 reviews website. I didn't realize the bargains out there! I have been using Kodak Gallery since I got my new digital camera in May! Their rating isn't great because of the cost. I have been using it by delivery to my local Rite Aid. There's a $1.49 'convenience' charge PLUS tax when you have it delivered to a store (you choose from a list on their website). You probably still have to pay tax no matter which service you choose. BTW, I should mention that the FREE 50 prints from Winkflash is a one-time/first-time customer thing and expires SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17th! Several printers on the list appear to have 'try us' deals like that! With Winkflash, you can choose 50 prints OR 20 photo cards! That might be a way to get started with photo Christmas card shopping! Another thing that I think I'll like from Winkflash: Their 4x6 prints are .12 each. (I've been paying .15 through Kodak Gallery). Since I scrapbook, sometimes 4x6 prints are WAY too big -- especially if you have to get several pictures on one page. 3.25x5 prints at Winkflash are the same price .12! Some printing services charge you more for the smaller pictures! AND if you want wallets, Winkflash's price is .39 for 4. That's much cheaper than the other services! href="">
I took pictures of my chipboard flower arrangement. Here's what I did: I adhered 3"x3" squares of patterned paper to 3"x3" squares of chipboard. I cut out the flower with my Sizzix 'daisy' die in my Sizzix machine -- paper side DOWN. Then I cut out the same flower on the same patterned -- paper side UP -- so it was opposite.. That way it lined up perfectly, as they petals are not perfect. I adhered this paper to the back side of the chipboard flower. Now I had a chipboard flower covered on both sides. I embellished the flowers differently -- buttons, small paper flowers, brads (colored paper fasteners), etc. Click on the pictures and you can see them close up. I only embellished them on the front side. I then taped a piece of wire -- that I had wrapped around a pencil to get a springy look -- to the back of the flower. I had to trim the tape a little to fit. The tape I used was packing tape. I arranged 6 flowers by placing them in a small bottle with colored glass stones -- so they stand up. Not sure what the ideal way is. I'm certainly open to suggestions!
The boys are outside fighting the wind to make a leaf pile! It's supposed to get up to 60 today in the eastern part of Upstate New York! Have a great day!
blessings, joie
November 12, 2007 (post transferred from my old blog)
It's a new week, and there's really nothing much to report. It's getting pretty chilly here. It's been in the 20's at night and the 40's during the day!
A couple weeks ago, the boys and their cousins enjoyed Family Fun Night at church. Here are Jared, Nathan and Owen with their cousins Leighanna and Rebeca. TJ was off somewhere with his friends! Dscf1404 Dscf1377 Dscf1356
One of the things I look forward to doing in my weblog is sharing ideas that I have or things that I have found work for me and my family.
I know that some believers with young children aren't aware that there ARE, indeed, several Christmas videos and books that don't deal with Santa Claus. I've enjoyed discovering and acquiring these over the years. Tonight I'll list the videos that the boys have enjoyed:
* The Donut Man, The Best Present of All
* Quigley's Village, A Christmas Story
* The Little Drummer Boy (yes, the one we watched when we were young!)
* Veggies Tales, The Toy that Saved Christmas
* Veggie Tales, The Star of Christmas
* Cedarmont Kids, Christmas Favorites
* Cedarmont Kids, Christmas Carols
* The Crippled Lamb
* Alabaster's Song (both by Max Lucado)
* Bed Bug Bible Gang Christmas
* Christmas Is
* Red Boots for Christmas
* First Christmas (clay animation)
* The Christmas Story Keepers
* Beginner's Bible, The Story of the Nativity
* The Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible, The Nativity
* The Visual Bible for Kids: The Birth of Jesus (w/Kirk Cameron)
* Nanny & Isaiah Adventures, The Secret of the Second Basement (featuring the Peppercorn Puppets)
I am SO glad I don't have to give up these precious videos yet -- with Owen being so little! I hope to add the new Miss Patty Cake Christmas video to our collection this year! I made this list from memory, as I haven't brought Christmas videos out yet. If I discover that we have more, I'll let you know in a future post. However, we HAVE brought out the cds! If I'm Christmas crafting, I need the inspiration! Some of these vidoes are still in circulation, but some are not. Many of these you can find on , amazon (marketplace) OR Ebay . Even check Christian Book Distributors (CBD) for clearance items or video package deals.
I am making a chipboard flower arrangement for my sister Brenda for her birthday tomorrow. Will she get it by tomorrow? I don't think so! I'll take some pictures, and hopefully, post them in a day or two.
blessings, joie
It's a new week, and there's really nothing much to report. It's getting pretty chilly here. It's been in the 20's at night and the 40's during the day!
A couple weeks ago, the boys and their cousins enjoyed Family Fun Night at church. Here are Jared, Nathan and Owen with their cousins Leighanna and Rebeca. TJ was off somewhere with his friends!
One of the things I look forward to doing in my weblog is sharing ideas that I have or things that I have found work for me and my family.
I know that some believers with young children aren't aware that there ARE, indeed, several Christmas videos and books that don't deal with Santa Claus. I've enjoyed discovering and acquiring these over the years. Tonight I'll list the videos that the boys have enjoyed:
* The Donut Man, The Best Present of All
* Quigley's Village, A Christmas Story
* The Little Drummer Boy (yes, the one we watched when we were young!)
* Veggies Tales, The Toy that Saved Christmas
* Veggie Tales, The Star of Christmas
* Cedarmont Kids, Christmas Favorites
* Cedarmont Kids, Christmas Carols
* The Crippled Lamb
* Alabaster's Song (both by Max Lucado)
* Bed Bug Bible Gang Christmas
* Christmas Is
* Red Boots for Christmas
* First Christmas (clay animation)
* The Christmas Story Keepers
* Beginner's Bible, The Story of the Nativity
* The Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible, The Nativity
* The Visual Bible for Kids: The Birth of Jesus (w/Kirk Cameron)
* Nanny & Isaiah Adventures, The Secret of the Second Basement (featuring the Peppercorn Puppets)
I am SO glad I don't have to give up these precious videos yet -- with Owen being so little! I hope to add the new Miss Patty Cake Christmas video to our collection this year! I made this list from memory, as I haven't brought Christmas videos out yet. If I discover that we have more, I'll let you know in a future post. However, we HAVE brought out the cds! If I'm Christmas crafting, I need the inspiration! Some of these vidoes are still in circulation, but some are not. Many of these you can find on , amazon (marketplace) OR Ebay . Even check Christian Book Distributors (CBD) for clearance items or video package deals.
I am making a chipboard flower arrangement for my sister Brenda for her birthday tomorrow. Will she get it by tomorrow? I don't think so! I'll take some pictures, and hopefully, post them in a day or two.
blessings, joie
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Welcome to my weblog! My name is Joie (pronounced Joey), and I am a Christian stay-at-home-schooling mom. My goal is to share with you glimpses of my life... scrapbook pages, papercrafting projects, photos, homeschool experiences, homeschool ideas, bargains, frugal tips, etc. I've been married to my wonderful husband, Jim, for 13 years. We have 3 young boys -- Nathan, 10.5; Jared, 8.5; and Owen, 3. As most boys do, they keep this mom busy and frazzled (that's my code word for crazy and stressed)! We've been homeschooling since the beginning. Since we, as parents, are the ones who teach our children from birth, it only made sense that God would have us continue with the education process through their traditional school years. We felt God's call to homeschool our children even before our first son was born.
Having my own blog is a brand new experience for me, so there's tons for me to learn! I will keep it short tonight because it's late already. Have a blessed and smashing day! joie
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